The Hub

CCC optimistic on cutting carbon emissions

November 30, 2015 Steve Hobson

Can HGVs ever be weaned off their addiction to diesel? Alternatives such as recycled chip fat, natural gas, electric pantographs or even shire horses (see Commercial Motor 26 November for a trip down memory lane) still seem a long way from the mainstream.

The Hub

Fuel duty holiday is over

November 27, 2015

As ever with things such as the Autumn Statement and Spending Review, the devil is in the detail – in the latter’s case about 160-plus pages of detail.

The Hub

Beware the ApprenticeSHOP levy!

November 26, 2015 Motor Transport

Well, it seems that it’s going to happen. I’m not trying to make any political points when I say that I was sceptical when it was first announced. Measures which hit employers in the pocket – which this surely will – have a tendency of entering that wonderful Westminster black hole known as the U-turn.